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Case Study Webinar Series Finite Element Method Approach to Pile Foundation of Silo Design 10 November 2020 (Tue.)
7AM(London) / 8AM(CET) / 12:30PM(New Delhi) / 2PM(Indonesia) / 3PM(SG,KL) / 6PM(Sydney) / 8PM(Wellington) | Duration : 60 min

In 2013, a silo with a capacity of 80,000 ton was put into operation. Both the scale of the facility and the complicated ground conditions forced the use of the finite element method at the design stage. Geodetic measurements carried out from the beginning of the investment currently constitute an extensive knowledge base and enable verification of the original computational approach. In addition, a recalculation was performed using advanced FEM options. The presentation compares various computational models of silo-ground interaction - from simple to advanced - with regard to the settlement monitoring data.

The speaker will present the problem of how much model simplifications can be made up with geotechnical experience, and when it is necessary to apply for advanced design solutions that require labor-consumption and high knowledge of the finite element method.

  • M.Sc. Eng. Jacek Nawracała
    Influence of advanced FEM on accuracy of results based on the case study of big silo Geotechnical Designer GT Projekt





GT Projekt

GT Projekt is a design and consulting company operating since 1999, involved in many international projects. The main areas of activity are building construction, infrastructure and road construction, geotechnics, geology and chemistry. The company specializes in designing, field investigations and laboratory tests.


Jacek Nawracała (GTS NX Expert User)

For 10 years of experience I have specialized in geotechnical designing aided with finite element method. I analyze soil-structure interaction. I design, among other things, deep excavations with diaphragm wall, indirect foundation of high-rise buildings, silos, abutment, highway and railway embankments.


Email:  jacek.nawracala@gtprojekt.pl

Website:  http://www.gtprojekt.pl

01 Plan of ground reinforcement
Cross-section of superstructure with pile foundation

02 3D view of structure
Geometry section of structure and ground

03 Result output
Stress increase in subsoil

04 Silo under construction and in operation

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